Solid post and excellent points, as you might imagine, these are active discussions inside of all the SaaS companies (full disclosure, I work for Salesforce). Really appreciate the S-Curve point of view. Found you via Matt Slotnick's thread here: https://twitter.com/matt_slotnick/status/1617591860305793024

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Super helpful. Any way to include the names of the companies included? And is each data point a different company or is the same company represented multiple times at different stages?

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Each data point is a different a company at different stages of growth. Hard to include to labels on this one since it looks really messy but will see if I can publish in a tabular format in the future.

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I don't think it's necessary to even label the points. Just having a footnote at the bottom of the chart with a list of the names/tickers would be perfect.

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